25 books, 25 movies, and 25 cultural events.
New Year's resolutions are funny things. I've always liked the idea of them, but have never actually followed through on one. Maybe that's because mine usually take the shape of vague karmic promises, like, "Be better to my body" or "Be a better human being." Well, that shit's for hippies and Oprah. What I need are tangibles. Numbers. This year will be different.
Now, 25 books doesn't sound like a lot. I know people who read a book a week. I call these people "lucky bastards who use mass transportation." Or conversely, "unlucky bastards who don't have cable." Meanwhile, I bet I read about ten books last year. TEN. I was an English major once, folks. It wasn't unusual to read ten books for one class. So I was looking for a number that was high enough to be a goal, but low enough that not reaching it would be pathetic and shameful. Because I was raised Catholic, see, so shame is my behavior modifier of choice.
In the face of Maya's formidable 100 Movie Challenge of 2004, my measly 25 movies is pretty laughable. But this past year, I'm pretty sure I went to the theater less than 15 times. Granted, Hollywood churned out a lot of terrible shit in 2005, but I know of at least one week in which there were no fewer than nine movies playing that I wanted to see. And out of those? I saw one. I'm setting this goal so that rare moments like that one won't slip by me again. Plus for every National Treasure, there's some tiny little indie that needs my admission fee to survive. Clap your hands if you believe in indies!
And finally, the 25 cultural events. Welllllll... I might be a little loosey-goosey with my definition here. I'm going to say it includes concerts, plays, gallery tours, museum visits, etc. But it's also going to include super awesome things like the Great Minnesota Get-Together (the State Fair) and major athletic events.
This means that once a week (on average) I must go to a movie or attend a cultural event. See now, when I put it that way, it sounds less like homework and more like actual fun.