
Sandy's Movie #3
On Saturday night I rented Red Eye, a really lame movie about "terrorism." On Sunday I saw Munich, an excellent movie about Terrorism. Best movie of the season, I say. Steven, you done good this time, and I am willing to forgive the 3-hour running time if you forgive that I didn't stay for the credits. Girl's gotta pee. What I appreciate about this movie is that it isn't Zionist. It doesn't take a side, or rather it takes everyone's side and then shows why everyone's fucked up.
Powerfulness aside, let's count what else I liked about this movie. Hottt men (Erica Bana, love! Mathieu Almaric, you sexy black-eyed kitten, love!) '70s-era hair and wardrobe, love! Foreign locations, love! Multi-lingual, love! Al Green, love! Erica Bana, love! (He's worth a second mention.)
Maya, your boy had a juicy part. OK that's all I'm gonna say til you gals have seen this. Word up.
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