
Maya – Movie #5
Well, I wouldn’t recommend this film to anybody probably. I did enjoy it, but it was on the slow side, even for me. On the whole it was definitely worth watching, and even though I wasn’t super excited about it, it reminded me of why I love French films. #1 – People in French films usually live in Paris, and drive teeny-tiny cars (see above picture for proof). #2 – Virtually every French film is ready-made for film studies classes. It’s almost as if they’re making these films solely to be picked apart in a film class. #3 – French actors and actresses all look like real human beings, unlike the surgically-modified Cyborgs we have populating the movie screens of America.
All right… hmmm… Carrie’s falling behind in the movie department. There’s good stuff out now, see it while you can… you don’t want to be cramming 25 movies into the month of December.
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