Brokeback Mountain

Sandy's Movie #1
Nice blog you got here! Thanks for inviting me over. Why yes, I'd love a cup'o tea.
I saw Brokeback, a.k.a Bareback, a.k.a. Humpback Mountain last night. You'll be heartened to know that the hoopla is well-deserved. High marks all around, from the shots of breathtaking mountain vistas to the score (which I predict will take the golden statue) to the already much-lauded performances. Heath is deliciously taciturn as Ennis Del Mar, and Gylly holds his own. I'd say tween idol Anne Hathaway is the weakest link here, but maybe just in comparison to the rest of the cast, which is perfect. Oh, and you see Anne's boobies. (So if you're having problems convincing your skeptical straight boyfriend to see this movie, you can entice him with the promise of nubile young breasteses.)
Now I just have to comment on Portland's filmgoing audiences, which are among the most obnoxious I have ever encountered, including Flint, Michigan's. This is an art film, which we saw at an "art theater," in a downtown area. It was a weeknight. One would expect a sophisticated group of people who know how to shut the fuck up during a movie. Alas... Portlanders have this grunting thing going on. Example: the trailer for French thriller Cache begins with review after review appearing dramatically on the screen saying things like "A creepy thriller that will leave you reeling" --Important Person. Now any thoughtful moviegoer will understand what's going on here-- it's called "marketing." But the folks in this audience couldn't keep themselves from GASPING OUT LOUD at the amazing reviews being lavished upon this movie! I mean the experience of watching this trailer was almost orgasmic for them. And the gasping/grunting/tsking did not stop for the next 2 hours. They emoted to Heath and Gylly too. It wasn't just the lady behind me either (though she persistently yapped to her companion throughout) -- these gasps came from all corners of the theater. OK tell me the truth - am I overreacting? Or do I have cause to say something like "Hey you sheep boys! Stop your jibber-jabbing!"
That's 1/25 movies. Over and out.
I'm feeling a little under the weather, so I think I might make it a Bareback night at the local the-ater myself.
(By the way - yay for team blogs!)
Does "under the weather" translate to "bored to tears of my job?" Cause if so then I need a sick day too!
Unfortunately I didn't take a sick day, because I'm saving those up in case I need one next week before I go to Chicago. So instead I'm sitting here chain-popping Halls and sipping my SIXTH cup of tea. But I am also bored to tears of my job, so I'm considering propping my eyelids up with toothpicks soon.
Anyway, I'm guessing I'm going to have to deal with an audience very similar to yours at BbM, because my little indie theater is overrun with suburban "tourists" on weekend nights, and those people were apparently raised in anarchic societies in which all manner of noise-making is allowed in the theater. I'm going to get my hackles up in advance...
Come see the movie in Chicago, y'all. We're all sophisticated and shit here. Actually when I saw Bareback Mountain (and no, that joke never gets old) there was a teenage fag hag sitting behind us who burst out sobbing as loudly as she could the second the movie ended. Poor thing, she seemed sweet. But she might need medication. I mean, it was sad, but jeez.
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