Highpoint Center for Printmaking

Cultural Event #1
On Monday, having somewhat recovered from the New Year's Eve revelry, Boyfriend Bud and I agreed to meet Amanda and the Wonder Twins for coffee. Teague and Keely had driven from Rhinelander to spend the holiday with Amanda, and were headed back that afternoon after Keely stopped by Highpoint to visit her friend Justin from Madison in his new digs. We all decided to tag along, and Bud was especially curious because he took printmaking courses in school, and has been itching to do more ever since.
Justin made a very convincing argument for the awesomeness of Highpoint - the facilities, equipment, work and whole attitude. Part of what they do is to help artists create the prints of their work. That basically means that the artist creates the piece or pieces, and Highpoint staff puts in some of the legwork to actually produce them. They also teach classes for adults of all experience levels, and for children from underfunded schools. It's a pretty cool organization.
Now frankly, three-fifths of us knew next to nothing about printmaking or even, you know, "art." So the other two asked all the questions, while Amanda, Teague and I pointed at things around the gallery and said, "Pretty." It also gave Teague an opportunity to practice his "looking at art" face, with accompanying gestures and sounds. Anyway, Highpoint is less than a mile from my apartment, and I've always wondered what it was about, so I was glad to have a guided tour of it. I still know next to nothing about how to make a print, but Bud just signed up for classes this winter, so I'll try to photograph his creations and post them in March. (Technology! What will it think of next?)
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