Maya – Movie #3
Heath Ledger is awesome. What can I say, this movie totally won me over. I was almost tempted to put it on my Best-Of 2005 list. Basically, this movie takes the Chocolat formula and applies it to a late 18th-century Bodice-Ripping Mistaken-Identity Comedy-Action Template. And it worked. I thought Chocolat was sappy, drippy, and boring – in spite of Johnny Depp. And somehow I got all wound up over Casanova, in spite of NO Johnny Depp. I generally am not a fan of “sex comedies” that you can safely watch with your mother… Yet here it is, a crowd-pleaser that I loved. I am definitely seeing this movie again when it hits the budget theaters. And Jeremy Irons wears the craziest wig.

Well, there you have it. Maya has finally sold out. :)
Actually, you had me at HEATHER Ledger! I think Sandy and I may check that out. I feel I need to do the same here. Perhaps I'll start my own 26/26/26 list...
Heather Ledger, what the hell? That's such a bizarre mistake, I almost don't want to correct it. Oh well. He does have long hair like a girl though.
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