Underworld Evolution

Sandy's Movie #4
Sorry I have to waste a post on this silly, stupid movie but I did in fact see it, and it does in fact count. This flick was riDICulous. It actually continues from the very minute the first movie left off, and I needed Cliff's Notes because the filmmakers expected viewers to be able to dive right back into the story without any re-cap. Not to mention the mythology is completely convoluted and stupid. Hey, just a technicality standing in the way of seeing Kate B. in a leather bodysuit, right?
I was standing outside the theater afterwards, waiting for my companions to finish draining their lizards, and this lard-ass usher goes, "I wanna clean the Underworld 2 Theater. I like that crowd. It's all like, white trash." More like geek trash, but whatever. For the record, I didn't pay for my own ticket!
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Here's a question - is Scott Speedman supposed to look like Andrew Jackson there? I guess I wasn't aware that "Founding Fathers chic" was the new trend for winter.
It's hard to make him unattractive, so kudos to the filmmakers on that feat. I guess.
Yeah his profile could be on a nickel. Wait, is that Jackson? What are those wigs called again? Pont-something? Poof?
Hey somebody delete that spam comment! What are the chances that my post is targeted for Bollywood Blog Spam?
I thought this was a terrible movie whose only purpose was to try and "prove" the first film wasn't totally ripped off from White Wolf's World of Darkness.
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