Eat Pray Love

By Elizabeth Gilbert
Sandy's Book #15
I started this book the day before it was due back at the library. Suffice it to say it was well worth the overdue fines I am about to pay. Its premise is nothing new: American lady gets scarred by man(s). Gets itchy feet. Goes on quest around the world to find herself. What appealed to me about this particular incarnation of the tale were her destinations: Italy, India, Indonesia. The first two countries are places I have been infatuated with for a while. Indonesia piqued my interest just recently due to 1) Tony Bourdain's adulation of the place and 2) what I keep reading about in divorcee travel memoirs like this one. Bali sounds like a helluva place and-- despite my rather adamant "boycott" of Indonesia last year because of the unfortunate incarceration of Australian Shapelle Corby (try searching Yahoo! Australia if you know nothing about this news story)-- I might just like to go there some day. But first I have to learn to meditate.
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