A Cook's Tour

This blog should maybe just be called "Three Girls and their obsession with a celebrity chef." I finished Tony's second book finally, about five years after the two of you read it. Totally loved, of course. The only issue I had with it is that sometimes it feels a little disjointed; you think he's finished with Vietnam, and then two chapters later, you're back there. And it seems like that may have been a choice on his part - maybe he had too much to say and that section would have been too long, or maybe he wanted to have more of a thread in the book - but it's still a little odd to keep finding yourself back in Vietnam. Although I will say that his stories totally made me want to take a trip there, and it wasn't even on my radar before this.
This book really makes you want to eat a lot and have a lot of booze. I tried to always have a little snack and a drink around while reading it, or I would get kind of testy.
I Heart Tony. Just spent my evening watching "No Reservations" on DVD: New Zealand and Maylasia. Yeah maybe he deserves his own blog of devotion.
Oops, I typoed Malaysia.
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