Match Point

Sandy's Movie #5
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers was almost convincing as a straight guy in this clever tale of lust and deceit. I heard somewhere recently that when it comes to movies, there are only about four stories told again and again, and what makes a film original are its characters. Hmm, where does that leave Match Point? This film will definitely remind you of a few others (Melinda and Melinda and Talented Mr. Ripley spring immediately to mind), but nevertheless it seems unique. It's not hard to see why Woody calls Scarlett his new muse, but I'm split on this one. I give it one thumb up and one thumb down. But my up thumb's a little higher than my down thumb is low.
Hee hee. I read some interview with Scarlett where she said Jonathan Rhys-Meyers seemed like a girlfriend to her and talked about shoes all the time. Yah, he's totally heterosexual. I would like to see Match Point sometime soon, but I have to fit in a couple more viewings of The New World first.
I read that interview too and felt validated. He walks/runs like a girl. I think Woody is in on the joke -- when you see the movie you'll know what I mean.
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