
Movie #3
I took a sick day yesterday and went to see Philip Seymour Hoffman in the role that is finally getting him some of the attention he's deserved for years. As he wins these awards, it's funny to watch other actors in the audience recognize what kind of hacks they truly are when compared to PSH. Not all of them of course, because the Best Actor category is pretty solid this year.* I mean, any other year, Heath Ledger would probably own that award. But this year, he has to contend with PSH, David Strathairn, and my pick, Joaquin Phoenix.
Yes, even though I really liked Capote, and loved Hoffman in it, I still want Joaquin to take it all home. Perhaps that's because I never had a chance to see footage of the real Truman Capote, or because he's a more difficult character to understand. In fact, I can come up with a very strong argument for why Hoffman's performance is better than Phoenix's simply because of difficulty and subtlety. But damn if I don't still want Joaquin to win. He made me feel more than any other actor this year, and I guess that's what I'm basing my worthless vote on. It was probably all the singin' and hollerin' but that's the way it is.
*Meanwhile, Reese Witherspoon should be thanking her lucky stars that the Best Actress field is such a joke this year. I mean, who has seen any of these movies? Can we just stop nominating Judi Dench for everything she ever craps out? And I will not even discuss Charlize, who had her moment, or Keira "Underbite" Knightley.
HA! I forgot Underbite was nominated. Is PSH and Felicity win, it'll be a Hoffman/Huffman win!
And did you see Underbite looking skeletal on the cover of Vanity Fair this week? That's the one my gal Rachel McAdams walked out on after they sprung the nudity concept on them. Love her.
Honestly I was more impressed with Clifton Collins Jr. (who the heck has heard of him?) Actually I remembered him from Alias when I checked out his bio on imdb. I'm surprised he didn't get a supporting actor nom. He was really excellent. C'mon, PSH is always reliable. That's why it's not imperative that he wins this year, he'll get other chances. But hey, Clifton should really change his last name to one of his ancestor's names. Dude is clearly hispanic, and with a name like Collins, how the hell can he represent?
Yes I saw skeletal Underbite and pillowy ScarJo on that cover. I might sound dumb for asking, but who is Tom Ford?
Maya, you're right about Clifton Collins. I meant to ask why no one ever mentioned nominating him for a supporting actor award. If PSH and Collins weren't as good as they both were, and didn't have a certain chemistry together, there would be no movie.
Sandy, Tom Ford is this beefcake fashion designer who now runs Yves Saint Laurent, but recently ran Gucci. He's more of a schmoozer than designer these days as far as I can tell.
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