HAPPY 2007
I'm trying to get a good jump on this year and should hit 100 films with no problem… I was slacking a little in 2006.
#1 – Casino Royale: Bond, James Bond, one more time at the budget theater.

#2 – Pan’s Labyrinth: Good horror flick, but far from the best film of the year as the critics are saying. Yes, it’s creative and visually stunning, especially when contrasted with the typical genre entry, but I found it somehow too cold and manipulative to be very moved. It’s extremely gory, and the dude with eyes in his hands is way, way scarier than he looks in the photo stills.

#3 – The Science of Sleep: Sunday morning show at the Music Box. I seem to be alone in saying this was the best film of 2006. What happened to all the fanboys creaming themselves over Eternal Sunshine? This movie is 1,000 times better!

#4 – Curse of the Golden Flower: I went to see this with my kung fu friends. They all loved it, but I was indifferent. It was basically an overwrought melodrama. The set design was gorgeous, but resembled a hippie’s acid freakout more than an imperial Chinese palace. The best part of the movie was definitely Gong Li as a quintessential diva.
Dude, WHATEV. Science of Sleep should not even be compared with Eternal Sunshine. Same director, ok, but very little else in common. Michel Gondry is too much of a nutter to be driving the story, too. I resent being called a fanboy who creamed myself.
Sorry... I don't remember you being one of them! Eternal Sunshine was a good movie to be sure, but it made countless best-of lists at the end of the year, and I haven't seen Science on a single one yet. True, Eternal Sunshine got a lot more attention and has bigger stars, but critics love putting obscure and semi-obscure shit on their lists. You must admit it's a little weird not to see it on any lists.
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