The Holiday

Slim pickings here in Sheboygan, WI. We saw this on Christmas Eve. It has cute moments and Kate Winslet is gorgeous, but overall it’s a chick flick you should feel free to skip. Jude Law’s character is the embodiment of what Dan Savage has been complaining about in his column lately – the completely unbelievable male lead in romantic comedies which trains gullible women to believe that men like this actually exist – which they don’t. Anywhere. In the entire world. And that’s fine, because I don’t think I could deal with a man like that. But at every one of the contrived “sweet” plot twists involving Jude Law’s character, everyone in the audience said, “Awwww…” I’m serious! I had to admit he looked more handsome than usual. Whatever, I’m excited to get back to Chicago and a better selection of films.
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