The Last Kiss

(#26 was The Illusionist)
This movie made me want to move back to Madison! Not just because it was filmed there, but because in Madison, people know how to shut the fuck up in a movie theater!! Whereas here, no matter what time or day I go or what I'm seeing, I end sitting directly in front of some morons who don't know the meaning of the word "shhhh" and even talk to themself when their friend goes to the bathroom.
Yeah anyway, this movie takes place in Madison. Which is cool. Note to Tony Goldwyn: no self-respecting Madisonianwould wrap his lips around a Budweiser. Put that in your script notes.
Its trailer kind of makes The Last Kiss look like a chick flick (starring Zach Braff.) But it's more of a dick flick, actually. Zach's character is morally depraved and pretty unsympathetic. Er, but since it's Zach Braff, we like him anyway (right, Maya?) The casting was pretty tight; I love me some Tom Wilkinson. But you know who has really sucked for a while (like, since 1998?) Casey Affleck. Not funny. Not cute. Beady eyes, elfin nose. Can't stand him.
This is probably a good candidate for a rental. Or a Video On Demand selection. Or the Budget Theater-- if you are feeling nostalgic for Mad Town and you're pretty sure you won't wind up in front of some chickenhead who thinks she's in her own living room. Oh if only I'd had some steaming hot noodle soup...
Hey, remember when I demanded that we show the original Italian version of this for MU Movies and then everyone hated it?
I'm still bitter about that, so I'm not too excited about this one. Also, I find myself kind of hating Zach Braff. He seems a little too pleased with himself.
Hey, you can find talkative dunderheads everywhere you go (see my post for Candy at the Toronto Film Festival). Chicago is one of the quietest cities for movie-watching though, honestly. Even when I go to the ghetto theater on half-price night, people tend to keep their mouths shut. Their babies, on the other hand...
I had completely forgot that L'ultimo Bacco (is that right?) played MU Movies. Didn't only 100 people see it? If you hate Zach Braff, you would really hate his character in this.
I'm thinking about making a "Quiet Please" sign with glow-in-the-dark puffy paint for the next time I go to the movies.
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