Movie #30
V for Vendetta

Just caught this movie during its last week at the Logan Budget Theater. I have to say everyone who recommended it was spot on – I really, really liked this film. I wasn’t convinced during the first 3 minutes or so, and then all of a sudden I just completely got swept into the story. I also wavered a little after Evey’s torture sequence… I didn’t quite buy that part, and I did giggle when her first reaction to the person who was torturing her was “You cut my hair!” as if that’s the worst torture imaginable.
I love the way that British films are all a parade of great British actors: I saw Rupert Graves (Dominic, one of the investigators) for the first time in years! Slightly puffier, but still looking adorable. Also very happy to see the usual suspects who turn up in every British film: John Hurt, Stephen Fry, etc. Also, very very happy to see Ben Miles in a pretty big role (Dascomb, on the government panel always being yelled at by John Hurt) – I know that probably doesn’t mean anything to you guys, but I know him as Patrick from Coupling (a hilarious British show that you all should see – seriously). Also, Sinead Cusack was there – she’s cool, I won’t begrudge her her acting talent or success, but that woman has been cockblocking me for years… in other words, Jeremy Iron’s wife. England has a lot of great actors, put it that way. And Natalie Portman didn’t even ruin the movie… except for her silly line about her hair, she was really good (a first for her, I was even bothered by her in Garden State). Anyway, loved the film, can’t wait to see it again.
is that a pic of Rupert Graves? He looks different than i remember...
Yeah, he's older now. That's the main reason. He was cute as a button when he was a wee lad.
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