Al Gore in 2008

Sandy's movie #16: An Inconvenient Truth
I just took the little calculation quiz at to determine my own personal contribution to global warming. Based on some guessing (about miles driven per year, etc.) my household is responsible for 17,100 pounds of CO2 per year, which is considered "average." Well that does it, I am going to quit my job so I can stop driving every day! I needed an excuse!
Everyone needs to see this movie. Even Republicans. Even illegal immigrants. Even smelly hippies who might think they already know everything. Even high school students (although I wish they weren't all on a field trip to MY screening... why do girls have to go to the toilet in pairs? Seriously. I wanted to put the smackdown on these chicks who kept falling and tripping all over me on their way back on forth.)
Al Gore has my vote in 2008!
Ha Ha! My impact is "much smaller than average." I got a result of 6,300 (and I also overestimated my mileage - I put 3,000 miles although I figure it's more around 2,500 tops). Are you sure you calculated this right? I don't think that I'm any more energy-conscious than you are, is it just due to different states? The first time I did it I got a 4,000 - then I added a long flight, although it's unusual for me to take both a long and a medium flight within one year. All right, enough gloating here - glad you liked the movie, and you reminded me that I have to write a letter to Barack Obama! The lack of recycling in Chicago is disgusting.
Dang, I forgot that my heating is paid for - but I still use that energy. I redid it, still overestimating the driving, and still got 'Smaller than average.' Yeah, heating will get ya in Illinois.
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