Cultural Event #13

Brazil vs. Australia, at Bar Mitad del Mundo
So I watched a soccer game at a bar. It was pretty fun. They jammed in at least twice as many people as the fire code allowed (at least that’s what I suspect). There was no A/C and it was really, really hot and sweaty. The excitement of the crowd was infectious though, and I had to cheer along when Brazil scored their two goals. Australia got no points. There were only two Australian people in the entire bar, and we were crammed in the back corner with them. I thought they were pretty good sports, to go watch a game in a bar filled with the opposing team’s supporters, knowing full well their team was going to get creamed anyway. Chicago Samba was there, and they played music whenever anything exciting happened. And I had two drinks before noon. But I stopped drinking there, and we got some Indian food, so I won’t have another unfortunate episode. An interesting way to spend a Sunday morning, for sure.
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