Beavers vs. Isotopes

For a minor league baseball game, this was purdy durned exciting. The Albuquerque Isotopes totally sucked, so Portland won 4-1. You might be wondering about Albuquergue's lame-o team name... well, F.X.'s best guess was that the A-bomb (or was it H-bomb?) test down there in the New Mexico desert left lotsa isotopes in its wake. As for Portland's team name... uh. You can fill in your own pussy joke there. My favorite thing about baseball games are the concessions, and of course we loaded up on disgustilicious sausages, nachos, pizza, and beer. If that's not a recipe for a vomit burp I don't know what is. Yo, and I got kind of into that Starspangled Banner business. It was a great all-American evening.
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