Art School Crapidential

Sandy's Movie #11
Terry Zwigoff, what crawled up your ass and killed your directorial talent? Are you still smoldering because you didn't get enough props for American Splendor? (You directed that, right?) Because this movie seems kind of like an allegory for the props you didn't get. Oh, and it sucks. Guess you and your buddy producer/actor John Malkovich (who is aging horribly, BTW) decided to take the American publica for the proverbial dick wank. Poo on YOU, Terry.
The angry lesbians sitting next to me seemed to like it though-?? And they sure liked their fish tacos enough to take the uneaten portion out of the plastic an hour into the movie to finish... how I love the sound of crinkling plastic in a darkened theater!
Terry didn't direct American Splendor - two people co-directed that one. Here's his IMDb:
Thanks for seeing taking one for the team on this one - now I don't have to see it!
Oh yeah, he did Bad Santa! I hated that too. Guess I shouldn't have been surprised this was a dud.
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