Friday, May 05, 2006

Rats Saw God

Book #4 - Rats Saw God, by Rob Thomas

... or as Bud would call him, "the multi-talented lead singer of matchbox twenty and creator of Veronica Mars." He's actually only the second of those things, but it's funnier Bud's way. I bought this book for like $4 due to my all-consuming love for Veronica Mars. The tone of Rats Saw God is only a short leap from Veronica Mars, and I liked that about it - the kids are pretty cynical and their sometimes-silly attempts to work out their angst ring true. Who doesn't look back at their teen years and cringe a little? It's a YA novel (but doesn't the cover make it look like gay porn?), and as far as those go, it's pretty good. It's darker than the stuff I was reading as a tween, and includes more sex and drugs as well.

Damn! I'm so far behind on this 25 books thing! I should have at least eight books read by now. What the hell have I been doing with my time? Oh right - Food Network and HGTV. That's pathetic.


Blogger Sandy said...

So wait, this isn't the Matchbox Twenty guy? Too bad, he's kindof hot. Or was before he cut his hair...

10:02 AM  
Blogger Carrie Ann said...

No, it's not the Matchbox Twenty guy. He is my nemesis, so I'm pretty grateful that he has nothing to do with this show I'm nutty over. Which has its finale tonight. So you should both start Netflixing the first season, and then the second season (once it's available), and then you'll be all caught up when the third season hopefully starts airing on The CW (vomit) next fall.

3:23 PM  
Blogger ginsoakedgirl said...

What is this Veronica Mars you speak of? Seriously, I have no idea. I gather it's a television program of some sort.

8:17 PM  
Blogger Carrie Ann said...

It is a television program. The second season just wrapped up, and the first is available on DVD. Now, it's about a high school girl. That tends to turn some people off. But this girl's best friend has been murdered, her mother has disappeared, and she was raped at a party. She works with her dad, who's a PI, to solve little cases every episode, while also trying to find her mom, her best friend's killer, and her rapist. The show is really well-written and well-acted, so if you can get past the teenager issue, I'd highly recommend it. That and Battlestar Galactica are my favorite shows on TV right now.

3:13 PM  

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