The Gala

Sandy's cultural event #5
My parents invited us (read: we didn't have to buy our own tickets) to nibble on the upper crust with them by attending the public library's annual "Gala" fundraiser for summer reading. We got all gussied up (which for me meant a SKIRT and actual PANTYHOSE, but for Portland's philanthropic richies meant bejeweled evening gowns that showed off their spindly, malnourished backs) and headed downtown to the library's main branch for three floors of gourmet food and booze. Mysteriously, the hobos that normally flank the library's entrance were nowhere to be seen. My parents introduced us to the few odd acquaintances but by and large, this was not an event at which mingling among strangers takes place. And yes, the rich are strange. I wonder if any of those pointy people ever go to the library during its actual public hours? Doubtful. Hm, I sound pretty down on it all, but the food was good! Especially the stuff catered by India House.
Man, galas are hilarious. They always feel kind of gauche because you're nominally there to raise money for a non-profit and yet they're such lavish affairs that it's like, "Is this champagne foutain really the best use of your funds?"
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