More Movies, Etc.

I actually enjoyed this film quite a bit. The basic structure is a B-movie, full of impossible coincidences and quite a bit of audience manipulation. I think it was elevated by strong performances all around, and some interesting cinematography (including really fascinating opening credits composed of aerial shots of Mexico City). I read some reviews that seemed upset to see such a pulpy treatment of a serious issue (people being bought and sold as sex slaves). I agree with that somewhat, but still liked the movie. It’s a nail-biter, and will make you depressed. You can also learn how to avoid being sold on the black market as a sex slave by learning from the characters’ mistakes.

I went to see this movie mainly because Greg Kinnear is in it, and also because it was filmed in Portland. It sounded like a quirky, non-Hollywood style film about relationships. Wrong! This movie was gay, and not in the good way. While in the bathroom after the film, I heard two girls complaining about it, and I think I agree with their assessment: The movie jumped from dramatic moment to dramatic moment, and skipped all the development, so it basically felt like an empty series of people breaking up and dying and stuff. Greg Kinnear’s character was too heartbroken and needy for me to find him attractive, so it wasn’t even fun that way. Eh, whatever.
I’m not sure how many movies I’ll be able to catch at the festival. I’m hoping for at least 10, because that’s how many passes I bought. Last night I saw two movies:
Please Don’t Go, a French drama about a couple’s relationship and the various manipulations that occur when the woman starts cheating on her husband with one of his psychiatric patients. It was enjoyable, but nothing outstanding.
Bad Habits, a Mexican movie about eating disorders. The film follows several different characters and goes into pretty good depth with their various neuroses, relying on lots of heavy Catholic imagery. It reminded me of how crazy Latin American women are about weight issues – even crazier than American women, if that’s possible. There were a lot of interesting ideas, but the movie did feel a bit overlong. It’s Simon Bross’s first feature film though, so I think he’s someone to keep an eye on.
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