I've been busy

We just moved into a new house and not three days later, I was approved to adopt this little guy. I didn't think it would happen so fast, so we've spent the last couple of weeks packing, moving, and then frantically unpacking and buying supplies for mini Cooper over there.
OK, I'll be honest, the whole point of this post is to show off my cute dog, but we did buy two different guides to help us with training him, one from Barron's and one from Animal Planet. Unfortunately, they contradict each other a lot. In those situations, we've gone with the Animal Planet book, because it seems more reasonable. For example, it says to NEVER use a choke chain on shih tzus, while the Barron's book says that they're great for training, even on a little four-pound puppy. How could anyone think a choke chain would be a good idea?
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