Why so hot?

Oh, I am so proud that in the late 90's when all young ladies were taking their stance on that oh-so-important life question - Matt or Ben? - Sandy and I both chose Matt. The Bourne Ultimatum is just as awesome as the other two Bourne movies. What's great is that the filmmakers haven't turned Jason Bourne into James Bond or Indiana Jones or whatever. He's almost a throwback to the more stoic heroes of Westerns.
(I also saw Ratatouille and Harry Potter, and loved them both. HP especially, because this was the first movie where I thought all the young actors did a great job, including Dan Ratcliffe, with whom I've never been very impressed.)
Did you read Matt's interview in EW? I think I like him even better as a real person than as an actor. Now how many Hollywood habitues can you say that about?
Oops, I am auto-logged in as Crazy Cat Guy, but you know me better as slucas.
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