I’m not fond of fall, but September always heralds the best time of year, cinematically speaking: The end of summertime schlock and the beginning of good movie season! Even the movies that aren’t that great (like The Brave One) are at least ambitious.
3:10 to Yuma

I can count the number of Westerns I’ve seen on one hand, but if they can get this good, maybe I should see some more. Steve thought this movie was only OK, but I thought it was superb, with really exciting action sequences that rely more on old-fashioned suspense rather than special effects. The performances of Christian Bale (who can really do no wrong) and Russell Crowe made this a really compelling movie. I wasn’t bored for a second.
Eastern Promises

I want to say so much about this movie, but I won’t, cause I know y’all haven’t seen it. Don’t read any reviews! Just go watch it! Viggo is so mind-numbingly awesome! Yeah, I’m biased when it comes to Cronenberg, but I’m not lying, this movie is wonderful.
The Brave One

Eh, whatever. One of the points of going to movies is that you get to empathize with characters who have questionable morality. But the morals of this movie are hopelessly muddled and unbelievable, so it was really difficult to enjoy it. It has its good points, and I’m glad to see that artful cinematography is becoming more routine in Hollywood movies. I also continue to find Terrence Howard attractive, even though he seems like a total jackass.
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