Action Movies, Part Three

OK, that picture is probably overstating things, because I did enjoy myself while watching both of these. But in retrospect, they seem kind of gross. I barely remember MI3, so I'll just pick a bone with Brett Fatner. If you have the wonderful Ian McKellan and the awesome Patrick Stewart at your disposal, please refrain from making them utter so much ridiculous bullshit. Save that for Famke Janssen and James Marsden. One example, from a battle scene: Ian McKellan stops one of his righthand men from rushing into the fray and says, "In chess, the pawns go first." OK, fine. That's pretty subtle for a comic book movie, actually. But, alas, we can't stop there. After several of these muties get killed, Magneto turns to his pal and says, "That's why the pawns go first." No, really. I got it the first time. THANKS. Poor Ian.
I feel like I've had a greasy burger and fries and about three Mich Goldens, and now I just really need a fruit salad and some mineral water. Does that sound very blue state? Anyway, I hope to see A Prairie Home Companion and An Inconvenient Truth very soon to push away all thoughts of Crazy Tom Cruise and Brett "Smells Like a" Ratner.
Well, I hate to say it, but MI3 is high art compared to 3 Fast 3 Furiouser, as Defamer calls it. I think I liked MI3 more than any of the summer blockbusters I've seen so far. They all have problems though... why can't someone just make an exciting action movie that's GOOD? I'm holding out hope for Michael Mann later this summer... based on Heat and Collateral, I think the dude might be able to pull off a good one.
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