Something New

Something New is like cotton candy on film. Light, fluffy, delicious, immediately forgotten. Everyone is so cute and pretty and charming! Look at that picture up there, people! This immediately precedes one of those "only-in-the-movies" paint fights - the kind that would actually earn you a punch in the nose if you tried it in real life. But that's what these cheesy movies are for! Paint fights! Hilarious run-ins with animals! Getting caught in the rain, and consequently making out because what else are you going to do when you're all wet and Simon Baker is all wet too and you've finally figured out that he's a hot piece of ass!
About a quarter of the "jokes" in this romantic comedy fall flat, and Sanaa Lathan's character should have been given more real personality and fewer quirks. But who cares? This movie is about nothing more than both leads being pretty, and even prettier when they're together. And that's all it needs to be.
This was a good trailer though. So what's your verdict, wait for the DVD? The only theatre in town this movie is playing at is in a MALL, and I am for sure not going there.
Why did you go to this film? Is this blonde actor-person somebody I should have heard of? You realize that there are actually good films out in the theaters right now, right?
Ha, yes I know there are good films in the theater. It was a coworker-bonding experience. Plus sometimes I feel the need to watch a crappy romantic comedy. But Sandy, I would say it's a renter for sure. Nothing special about it, really.
The blonde actor is Simon Baker, and you probably haven't heard of him. He used to have a TV show and he was in The Ring 2 and Land of the Dead, I guess. Whatever, he's Australian and pretty.
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