Ocean’s Thirteen

Yay, the Ocean’s movies are good again! If you want to watch an actiony, slick and witty movie that is entertaining about 98% of its running time, go watch this one. This movie takes my expectations of a summer blockbuster and blows them beyond what I would ever hope for – I’ll even see this one again in the theater! Seriously, it’s weird how often we drag ourselves to the theaters to see these bloated blockbusters that we really don’t want to watch… I mean, we ALL knew Spiderman 3 would blow chunks and be painfully long and insincere, and I know that Pirates 3 will be totally excruciating when I finally choose to see it… but there’s this weird compulsion, or maybe the completionist impulse, that forces me to sit through this shit… Basically I’m trying to say that even though this is the third installment of a trilogy (and the second one was unbelievably bad and self-indulgent), you won’t be disappointed, unless you hate impeccably edited, fun, and splashy movies. Be warned, however: Al Pacino is bizarrely orange. I guess it fits the character he’s playing, but seriously, what happened to him?
Oh. I thought this would be bad so I told Marc to go see it without me. Poops. (Besides his orangeness, how did Al do?)
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