Why, hello there!

OK, so I'm cheating a little here, because I really haven't seen a movie in three months, but I did go to a film festival. Unfortunately, I was working, not watching. But I did see roughly one-quarter to one-third of several different films while working, so I'm mashing them together and calling them one big film experience, and calling Spiderman 3 my third movie of the year. PATHETIC.
Apparently, Sam Raimi paid no attention to the cautionary tale that was XMen 3. You're making the third film in a comic book franchise in which the second film totally outstripped the first, so what do you do? You make a list of characters who haven't yet shown up in the movies, throw them all in the script and just cross your fingers that it all works out. At least in X3, you could blame Brett Ratner. Sam Raimi's got nowhere else to point the finger.
Some storylines did work, and there were some charming and fun scenes. Topher Grace was adorable and James Franco really stepped up his game. Tobey Maguire is much more convincing in his scenes with other men than with the ladies. But I blame Kirsten Dunst, who continues to have no ass and even less talent.
Mmmm, mmmm, I'll take a James Franco over a Tobey MacGuire (sp?) anyday. I had to laugh when Diaper-Face Dunst claimed no one would see Spiderman 4 without her and Tobey. I also saw this movie and will post my thoughts about why it kind of sucked later.
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