
I forgot to post about one of the best concerts I’ve ever seen – Bjork, finally! I’m not crazy about her new album, but there are a couple tracks I love, and it’s growing on me. Seeing her live was quite the spectacle – she’s like a deranged outer-space priestess and really plays to the crowd. It was kind of a greatest hits tour because she played so many of her popular older songs (albeit with new twists, and all extremely loud and exciting).
Now, to complain – is it too much to ask not to have your concert-going experience ruined when you’re spending over $100 for tickets? Steve and I have a constant problem of sitting near disruptive people in movies and concerts. It might be because we go to so many events that it just seems like we’re around noisy douchebags all the time, but I really think that we’re both exposed to a greater-than-average number of people hell-bent on ruining our fun. I also think it happens because we’re two of the few people I know who always tell the people around us to shut up, and end up getting in fights with strangers who somehow think we’re interfering with their right to talk through whatever show or movie they’re ostensibly watching. Long story short, two seconds before Bjork gets on stage, these two insanely drunk and slurry girls sit directly behind us. I shouldn’t say sit, because they were standing, leaning over us and weaving dangerously. They started off by introducing themselves to the people around them and saying, “Hi Bjork fans!” I knew we were in trouble. They proceeded to sing along with the choruses (loudly enough to drown out Bjork since they were about a foot from us), and talking to one another at all other times. I could tell Steve was about to turn around and strangle them, and I was silently hoping they would just calm down and that no one would have to die. Eventually it reached a ridiculous level, and we both turned around to scream at them (Steve had already told them to shut up several times, and each time one of the girls would squeal, “Oh my gawd, the guy in front of me told me to shut up!” as if she was absolutely aghast at his bad manners). I couldn’t really back him up too much because this was during the three days when I completely lost my voice, so I was just making angry gestures. After the fact, I found out that the girl had actually spilled her drink on Steve’s head TWICE – I would have gone completely ballistic, so I have no idea how he held it together. He stormed out after this and got an usher to kick them out. I was afraid they’d just get talked to and come back, but they actually got thrown out – easier to accomplish than I thought. When they got escorted out, everyone sitting near us started clapping.
Anyway, they were gone by the fifth song, so not too much of the concert was ruined. I’m sure those girls will be talking about how they got unfairly thrown out of a Bjork concert for years to come.
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