Movies #14 and #15
I Think I Love My Wife 
I wanted to like this movie more than I did because I like the idea that Chris Rock was ballsy enough to try to remake a Rohmer film. It’s not really a remake, just the same general idea transferred to our day and age. Actually it’s been so many years since I saw Chloe in the Afternoon, I hardly remember it at all. I should have just put it at the top of my Netflix queue and skipped this one. There are funny moments, but I don’t think it’s intended to be a comedy. There are too many contrivances, and the mood of the film changes from somber to slapstick without warning. Plus, the woman who Chris Rock is “tempted” by is one of the most retardedly manipulative hos I’ve ever seen portrayed on the big screen. This movie will have your brain screaming “PLEASE tell me men are not so stupid as to fall for this shit!?!?” But of course they are.
The Lookout

I wanted to like this movie more than I did because I like the idea that Chris Rock was ballsy enough to try to remake a Rohmer film. It’s not really a remake, just the same general idea transferred to our day and age. Actually it’s been so many years since I saw Chloe in the Afternoon, I hardly remember it at all. I should have just put it at the top of my Netflix queue and skipped this one. There are funny moments, but I don’t think it’s intended to be a comedy. There are too many contrivances, and the mood of the film changes from somber to slapstick without warning. Plus, the woman who Chris Rock is “tempted” by is one of the most retardedly manipulative hos I’ve ever seen portrayed on the big screen. This movie will have your brain screaming “PLEASE tell me men are not so stupid as to fall for this shit!?!?” But of course they are.
The Lookout

Yay, I saw a good movie next! This is getting the odd bad review, but I don’t know what those people are thinking. The only problem I had with the film is that the end is wrapped up a little too quickly and neatly. The main characters are multidimensional and perfectly portrayed by Jeff Daniels and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The baddies will have you cringing, and the whole situation is very believable. It’s one of those “bad choice” movies that tend to infuriate me, but the fact that the main character has impaired mental functioning makes it all work.
I would say more, but I seriously think you guys should see this movie, and know as little about it as possible. By the way, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is really attractive. I used to think he was too young for me, but he’s 26! That’s totally within my range. See this movie and let me know what you think.
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