Monday, July 17, 2006

Too Late

Movie #11, PotC: Dead Man's Chest

I wish I would have read Maya's warning to people with sea-life intolerance before seeing this film because I spent most of it cringing and covering my eyes. Bravo to the visual effects people because about 75% of the people in that movie were absolutely disgusting.

But you know, I actually liked it. I went in with low expectations, considering I didn't love the first Pirates movie because it was a half-hour too long, and everything that didn't involve Johnny Depp was a waste of my time. . . So, an hour too long then. This one was also too long, but for some reason I enjoyed it more. I actually thought Keira was a little more charming in this one, although Orlando still has all the charisma of a banana slug.

The movie is very very silly and over the top, and the dialogue is mostly atrocious, but I guess I was just in the right state of mind to enjoy it anyway.


Blogger ginsoakedgirl said...

Hey I'm surprised - here I thought Sandy and I would be the ones to tolerate and/or appreciate this movie's specific brand of stupidity. In order to minimize its ill effects, we should really have all seen this one together. Oh well.

Just a side note - how are kids these days able to watch movies this long and convoluted, and read Harry Potter books which I won't even tackle, and STILL have ADD?

4:40 PM  
Blogger Carrie Ann said...

Ha. ADD is totally over-diagnosed. It's like, Whoa, you're saying your kid would rather goof off than do homework?! Get that boy on Ritalin!

I want to know how kids these days can stomach all the gross stuff (such as that prisoner's eye being pecked out by a bird). And the Harry Potter books are just really big type, that's all.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Carrie, you do realize you are aligning yourself with Mr. Tom Craze.

Does anyone else feel bad for Orlando? Have you seen those tabloid polls that ask la publica who they'd rather bone, him or Johnny? Like 94% of people say Johnny. Even 94% of celebrities say Johnny (I watched the E! Red Carpet special, ok?) I guess if you're gonna lose out to someone...

4:30 PM  
Blogger Carrie Ann said...

Ha. Johnny Depp is exactly the person I'd pick to lose that kind of poll to. Orlando should realize that his day is coming quick if he doesn't pick up some acting skills from his costars like Johnny.

I haven't joined the dark side yet! Unlike Tom Crazy Eyes, I do believe ADD (and autism and depression) exists and that it can be helped with the right medicine. I just think ADD is an easy answer for doctors, and that not all ADD kids actually have it. And if they do, then maybe the increase is related to mercury in vaccines the way the spike in autism is.

Anyway, the point is, Johnny Depp is hotter than Orlando Bloom and this movie is too long.

10:21 AM  

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