Strangers with Candy

Sandy's movie #20
This was kinda funny... til my buzz wore off. Dude, Maya, our tastes diverge once again (I guess this hiatus of agreement has ended). I found this movie a major disappointment. Actually I wouldn't have been disappointed if I hadn't read Maya's bolstering praise right before heading for the theater; it was about the level of laughs I would have expected from a brilliant-satire-TV-show-turned-"indie"-film a la Run, Ronnie, Run. In other words, not too many laughs.
Even the guest celebs weren't doing their best work-- a certain Oscar-winning actor seemed decidedly uncomfortable in his role. The artsy-gay audience lapped it up, though-- like Maya's Chicago audience, they were pretty much hysterical throughout and even applauded at the end.
Side note: the movie's web site design is ingenious:
Argh! Don't let a bad review by a fellow 25 poster stop you from seeing this film (whoever you are)! If nothing else, I'm sure Sandy will agree that Amy Sedaris deserves your hard-earned money more than anyone else in the box office at the moment... just on principle...
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