Shia LaJailbait

Add this one to the list of soon-to-be Gen-Y teen classics like Mean Girls and... well... dang, is that all they got? Poor suckers. Anyway, this movie is good. It had way more going on than Rear Window. Actually I always fall asleep before Rear Window even ends... in my book, that's never an indication of good pacing. (Sorry, 2001. Sorry, Apocalypse Now.) So Shia LaBeouf (which I think means 'the beef' in French) is very beefy indeed. As if that wasn't enough to make your loins long for teenagerdom, he's even got a smart-assed and incredibly cute Asian-American sidekick (the heretofore anonymous face of Cinema AZN, Aaron Yoo.) Mysterious neighbor David Morse manages to be creepy and sexy in that middle-aged earring way that Harrison Ford's had going on since his 60th birthday. The chicks in this movie are hot, too. Carrie Ann Moss kind of looks like she's wearing a fat suit, but it works for her. But lest you think this movie is all about sex appeal, it also has some laughs and tears and pulse-pounding moments. I daresay it's a great date movie, or a great Friday night rental.
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