Friday, March 24, 2006

V for Vendetta

Sandy's Movie #7

This flick rocks! And there aren't even any hot guys in it so, you know, I must be serious. Hollywood seems saturated with political movies right now (Good Night and Good Luck; American Dreamz; Thank You for Smoking; Looking for Comedy...) but this one is a standout, I'm sure. It doesn't satirize or tipsy-toe about. It's really the best kind of political/futuristic movie... the kind that fills you with dread and hope simultaneously. Like Armageddon! Ha ha, just kidding. 15 years from now, film students will write 20-page essays on the historical context of V for Vendetta. Those will be some interesting papers. [Shudder]. Anyway, tied with Munich for best film I've seen this year.


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