Cassandra’s Dream
Woody Allen’s movies have seemed to improve slightly lately, mainly because he’s veering away from the cringe-inducing comedies and towards the serious, murder-themed movies. I haven’t been super-excited about any of his recent movies in spite of their improved quality, even though they’re arguably entertaining and thought-provoking. I feel like maybe he’s such an old pro at making movies now, he’s kind of phoning it in a bit. His movies are too safe in a weird way, and definitely more cerebral than emotional. Most of the pivotal action in Cassandra’s Dream happens off-camera, and I’m not sure why. Anyway I won’t go into more detail because I’m sure you guys haven’t seen this movie yet…

One reason I wanted to see this film is of course the genius casting of two of the most gorgeous actors from the British Isles, Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell. It’s unusual to see two high-profile actors sharing screentime so evenly. I hate to say it, but Colin Farrell’s performance really overshadows McGregor’s. It’s partly the character - which is more fully realized, and also happens to be the only truly sympathetic character in the film. I’m not saying this just because Colin is my boy, either. In the second half of the movie he really knocks it out of the park – his character completely loses his shit, and he’s 100% believable. There are some really tense, white-knuckle moments, and Colin’s definitely the heart of the movie. Do people realize that he’s a good actor yet, or is it just me?
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