Movie #38
Midwest Film Festival – Documentary Shorts

I haven’t been to this film fest in a couple months, so finally made it back. Documentaries are not necessarily my favorite genre… I guess that’s a way of saying I go out of my way to avoid them. I think they’re generally poorly done. The most noticeable thing I saw was a “teaser” promo for a movie called Indestructible. It’s being filmed by a first-time director who suffers from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). They showed interview clips with a lot of ALS sufferers, and apparently a lot of the film details how a Chinese herbal remedy is one of the only treatments which seems to prolong their lives (along with improving their quality of life). Although the clip was only 8 minutes long, it was very personal and affecting. I actually was crying… I guess I’m kind of a pussy when it comes to these matters. But I really hope this film sees the light of day (i.e. gets proper financing so it can be released in some way).
The trailer is here:
It doesn’t look like it’s going to be a masterful film at all, but I think it’s rare that directors are so connected with the subject material.
Otherwise, the only notable event of the night was my celebrity sighting of Greg Hollimon (otherwise known as Principal Onyx Blackman). While walking to the afterparty, I spotted him sitting at an outdoors restaurant. I told him it was nice to see him and shook his hand, without revealing the fact that I knew him from Strangers With Candy. He was very nice (and cute too). I’m a downright pro when it comes to holding it together in front of celebrities. OK, Greg Hollimon is a minor celebrity, but he counts, dammit! You can buy a movie ticket and see his ass onscreen right this moment – if that doesn’t make you a celebrity, I don’t know what does.
You are a smooth operator. I'm going to use that trick if I ever I run across a worthwhile celebrity... or John Malkovich...
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